Weather Watcher Live Firefox Extension (Beta)

Yes – it’s finally here! Please note that this is a beta, so some things might not work as advertised, errors might pop up here and there, etc. I’ve been using this release for a few days now and it seems to be working well – as expected :cool:

Please do share any comments, suggestions or issues in this thread. Also, feel free to post a screenshot if it will help describe what you’re discussing.

Weather Watcher Live Firefox Extension i[/i]:

Note: Please install Firefox 3.* before attempting to install the Weather Watcher Live Firefox extension.

Installed OK, the only problem I’ve found so far is the Tooltips, 0n the current conditions I only get a small blank box, on the daily forecasts I get the day, condition, temp forecast high and temp forecast low, I’m not getting all the boxes I’ve ticked in the options.

Running FF 3.0.7.

biggles150, which weather station are you using? Did you try switching to another weather station?

Just tried London City Airport, I’ll try some others.

It sounds like everything is displaying okay. A lot of those items are only displayed in the tooltip when using the hourly toolbar icons.

It looks likes like you found an issue with international weather stations. I’ll check it out and get back to you.

I think you are right, current conditions coming up OK, but hourly forecasts coming up blank, except when I Tried Penn Valley Airport PA, which works fine…Looking good tho’ well done.

London City Airport current condition now coming up OK, but hourly just gives me an icon, WW and WW live are OK.

Installed fine but Options>Forecast Icons>max # to display drop down menu is blank altho’ you can grope around and pick numbers from 1 to 5 they are not displayed.

biggles150, since hours are not available for weather stations outside of the US, WWL is displaying an empty tooltip. If you select “Days” from the third dropdown in the “Toolbar Icons” section of the WWL Options window, the tooltips should display as expected.

I’ll make a change to force the tooltip to always display day information for internation cities – regardless of what is selected in that dropdown. If you think I missed something, please let me know and I’ll take another look.

FLETCH, can you post a screenshot?

Mike…Still not getting all the boxes I’ve ticked for ‘daily displayed’, although I do for WWL Same source, Weatherbug.

Here it is:

biggles150, which items are missing?

Mike…I have all the boxes ticked in ‘Daily/Hour Tooltip’, but only getting Day,Condition, Forecasted high and Forecasted Low.

biggles150, the “(hourly only)” in those boxes means that data only displays in the hourly tooltip.

Mike…If I choose ‘Hour Only’ all I get is an Icon when I hover over, when I choose ‘Daily Only’ I just get the four that I have mentioned…I’m confused :???:

biggles150, due to the bug you discovered, the tooltip will only display properly if “Days” is selected in the WWL Options.

In the “Toolbar Tooltip” section of the WWL Options, the second list displays all tooltip items that are available for the daily and hourly tooltips. Since some of the data is only available by the hour, some of the listed items show “(hourly only)” to the right of the item. That means that item will only show in the hourly tooltip. That takes us back to the first issue – hourly tooltips cannot be used outside of the US because WeatherBug does not have access to international hourly data.

FLETCH, do you see that issue with any of the other menus?

Mike…I understand now, sorry to be a pain