"Ed's" 5.6.x Skins (Interfaces/Forecasts)

Stone Soup skin update

Stone Soup skin updated to version And I added a link for my preferred Alert sound file.

Posting #1: http://www.singerscreations.com/forum/v … php?t=1120

Stone Soup skin updated to version It includes support for WW 5.6.13A’s handling of weather.com’s N/A data.


A new Eds Classic EyeCandy Interface and Eds Mobile Forecast have been added. Great for low resolution notebook screens and monitors.


And the Stone Soup Forecast has been updated to 5.6.10C.

Added Stone Soup’s alert code and icon to Eds Mobile forecasts. Positioning the mouse over the heading displays an abbreviated version of the primary alert.


The Eds Mobile forecasts were updated to open the weather.com links at the bottom of the pages into a new IE window rather than the WW window.

Also updated the display of the Mobile’s Current forecast’s Update date and time to properly reflect a N/A data condition.


Download from posting [b]#1[/b].

Tweaked the Mobile Current forecast’s presentation. :icon_smile:


Got carried away and added the ability to the Mobile Current forecast to switch the forecast icons between Day icons and Hour icons, similar to the Splendid Current forecast. Also made all the Mobile skins IE 7 compliant.


Updated the alert handling code in the Stone Soup and Mobile skins for cases where [SEVERE ALERT] = N/A. :shock:

Added the current Eds Splendid Mini skin and updated the Detailed Forecasts in the Stone Soup and Mini skins to accurately reflect the forecast’s day and date and changed my icons.

Added the enhanced Export template shown [b][u]here[/u][/b].

Lookin’ good, Ed!


Added a new variation of the Eds Splendid Mini Forecast skin, the Eds Splendid Mini - Favorite Photo version.


Any photo can be used. Just name it Favorite.jpg and save it in the skin’s Images folder. Photos look best if they are in a 3x4 format.

Eliminated the need for CMD files to change the Eds Classic tooltip and Eds Splendid Mini forecast skin options. All variations are now selectable directly via the Weather Watcher Options Skin’s tab.


Tweaked Eds Classic tooltip skin using the new 5.6.18 options.


Corrected the View this forecast’s URL in several of the skins.

moon option?

Can you have an option to rotate the moon phases to how it looks in the Southern Hemisphere?

You can replace the Moon folder images associated with each of my skins with images more to your liking. Rename the existing folder to OldMoons or whatever and create a new custom Moon folder. You must maintain the naming convention used in the original folder and though image sizes may be different they won’t display larger or smaller in the skin’s windows.

The ExploreLearning’s [b]Moon Phases Gizmo[/b] display of the moon’s phases in relation to Earth is especially well presented.

And you may find this thread interesting reading:

[b]Moon phases for Southern hemisphere[/b]

Not worth the trouble, I found out that Weather Underground shows Southerrn Hemisphere moon phases.

Thanks for all the support that you give to others, You appear very intelligent! I enjoy your Stone soup!


If Weather Underground has the moon images you desire save them and create a new Moon folder. And once it’s complete to your satisfaction, create a .wws file with them so others can share them.

[size=2](If you save them one per day it will only take you 4 weeks. :wink: )[/size]

You appear very intelligent! I enjoy your Stone soup!

:oops: Thank you. I have my moments. :icon_smile:


Now after seeing this I have another solution for you. :twisted: The Stone Soup skin has 2 moon folders, one in color which is the default images and one in black/white. If you simply rename some of the images in the moon2 folder you should be able to get the southern hemisphere images without waiting a month. :iconbiggrin: Obviously m0, m15 & m29 can stay the same.

There is probably some math formula that you can create to do the renames and then you can automate the process with a CMD script. If you do develop such a formula or script please share it with the rest of us.


Couldn’t wait so I created this, [size=2]with the help of some really smart friends (jaclaz & cdob).[/size] :wink:

SHmoons.cmd@echo off&title Create So. Hemi. moon images setlocal ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION echo. for /f "delims=m tokens=1" %%F in ('dir moon\m*.gif /B') do ( if %%~nF LEQ 99 ( set /A numn=30-%%~nF echo ren moon\m%%~nF.gif num!numn!.gif ) ) if exist moon\num*.gif ren moon\num*.gif m*.gif pause
To run place the script in the Forecasts Stone Soup or one of the Splendid Mini skin’s Images folder, remove the 4 “echo” characters, save it and run it.

Make a copy of the Moon folder for backup, in case you want to revert back or the script doesn’t work.

Let us know if this works for you.


Missed a couple. :oops: Reuploaded.

I saw that the CSSplendid has an option to rotate the moon images. I was wondering if you can borrow his idea (giving him credit, of course) and put it into your Stone Soup. I’m not very technically minded.

It doen’t look like the CSSplendid skin has been updated in a very long time. His skin has the “data switch” bug and the link to “view this forecast at weather.com” is broken.

Thanks for all your help, Ed!


I remember the CSSplendid gyrations that Fl?gger went thru and decided to pass. I may revisit the issue, but no plans to at this point.

In the interim, I think the script I created is a faster solution to the problem. Did you try it?

If you frequently oscillate between the two hemispheres you could take the whole Stone Soup Forecast folder and copy it to a new Forecast folder, maybe call it Stone Soup South. Run the script in that version of the Images folder.

Then you can switch between the two Forecast skins via the WW Options window, Stone Soup for the northern hemisphere and Stone Soup South for the southern hemisphere.