WW not matching up with weather.com

when i was on the forums i noticed a post about on the spot weather so i clicked on the link from WW to open the forcast on weather.com and to my surprise the numbers don’t match up… now i have 5 different locations and none of the 5 ww current condition match up with the weather.com current conditions… i did make sure to update… and it did retrieve the forcast ok… the one thing i am noticing is that on ww is saying Observed Friday, February 11 @ 7:54 AM EST at Logan Airport, MA where as weather.com says Updated Feb 11 08:25 a.m. ET… this is probably an issue with weather.com data feed but i just thougth i’d ask and see if anyone else was having this issue…

WW says Observed Friday, February 11 @ 7:54 AM EST
Weather.com says Updated Feb 11 08:45 a.m. ET

is what I’m seeing.

And now it’s changed while writing this to be:

WW says Observed Friday, February 11 @ 8:54 AM EST
Weather.com says Updated Feb 11 08:45 a.m. ET


is the data matching up… cause on my end i’m getting like a difference of 5-10 degree depending on the location i’m looking at

Currently I see:

WW says Observed Friday, February 11 @ 1:54 PM EST
Temp: 30F
Weather.com says Updated Feb 11 02:00 p.m. ET
Temp: 30F

Both readings are looking at the same location.

PS It’s 2:17PM here and I’m in the EST zone.

must just be the time and cities i’m looking at… currently there is a 1 degree difference and a 3 min observal difference