Weather Watcher Live Firefox Extension 1.0.9

The following changes are included in this release:

ADDED: “Air Quality Alert” to the list of severe alert types in the “Alerts” section of the Weather Watcher Live Options window.
ADDED: Tooltip background color and text color settings to the “Toolbar Tooltip” section of the Weather Watcher Options window.
CHANGED: Split out the daily and hourly forecast settings in the “Toolbar Icons” section of the Weather Watcher Live Options window to allow both hourly and daily icons to be displayed in the toolbar at the same time.
CHANGED: Removed “Hours” from toolbar “Change Toolbar Icons” right-click menu item since the hourly icons have their own home in the “Toolbar Icons” section of the Weather Watcher Live Options window.
CHANGED: “Help” link in Weather Watcher Live toolbar right-click menu directs to the new “Weather Watcher Live Firefox Extension” forum category at

Weather Watcher Live Firefox Extension 1.0.9:

Note: Please install Firefox 3.* before attempting to install the Weather Watcher Live Firefox extension.