weatcher information every 30 seconds (30 sec)

Please inform how to get rid of this info-weather showing every 30 seconds:

PS: in Option-> Tooltip-> Tray Tooltip Options → “Show Tray Balloon Tip When”… - NOTHIG SELECTED


You’re using an old version of Weather Watcher. Please download and install the latest version from www.SingersCreations.com. You can install it right over top of your current version.

I installed the newest.
Please inform how to get rid of this info-weather showing every 30 seconds?

I’ve never seen this happen. That window should only be displayed when you hover your mouse over the Weather Watcher system tray icon.

Does it keep popping up even after restarting Weather Watcher?

FYI, you’ll want to install the following build. I just released it to fix some (unrelated) issues with Weather Underground weather stations.
