Wallpaper has stopped updating

The last few days, I have noticed that the wallpaper is not updating itself. I have all the settings correct in Weather Watcher, but to no avail.I am using 5.6 beta 11. Thanks

Try opening your wallpaper map in the Weather Watcher map menu. Does the map open OK there?

Yes it opens in the map menu. The map history does not, but selecting the map from the list of maps does, and the time from The Weather Cannel is correct.

So, you can see the wallpaper map, but it’s not updating. Correct?

Try switching to a different map and close the Options window. Then, go back into the Options window and select the original map.

Same situation. wallpaper must be updated manually.

believe it or not, right before I upgraded to beta 11 Beta 10 did the same thing to me as well. manual update was damn near instantaneous, but automatic had just stopped working.

If it happens with Beta 11 I’ll post back.


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Well I have the problem corrected. I uninstalled Weather Watcher, and then did a fresh install. Everything is fine now. Started to forget about the wallpaper, and return to Webshots, but have come to depend on this wallpaper.