Temperature discrepancy

For the last few weeks I have been seeing a significant discrepancy between the forecast temperatures showing in Weather Watcher and what shows if I go to the website of that weather provider. For example, I am looking at the Garden Terrace Subdivision in Colorado Springs, CO. According to WW, the data provider for that is Weather Underground. When I look in the program, it shows highs of:
Wed 7/17 - 84 degrees
Thu 7/18 - 86
Fri 7/19 - 85
Sat 7/20 - 81

But when I go to Weather Underground’s website and pull up that same station, I get:
Wed 7/17 - 93 degrees
Thu 7/18 - 95
Fri 7/19 - 95
Sat 7/20 - 92

I have tried selecting several other weather stations in the area and they do the same thing too. Any ideas?


All forecast data currently comes from Earth Networks. I’m looking into adding more sources (like NWS & DarkSky) that will be selectable in the Weather Watcher Options window.

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This is excellent, more options allows for more hits.