Skins format change

With the release of Weather Watcher 5.6 Beta 9, the tags used in the .WTP files have changed a bit. I had to make changes in order to allow any of the codes to be used in any of the .WTP templates (which means you can use Hourly tags in the Current Conditions, etc.).

Please see the ReadMe that comes packed with Weather Watcher 5.6 Beta 9 for the updated tags.

I’ve updated all of the skins that are stickied to the top of this forum. If you need help, e-mail me your skin and I will update it for you.

!!! With beta 9 the only Forecast I see is the Current one. The Daily, Hourly and Detailed ones are only showing the heading and the link.

I’m really impressed with the new Tooltip display. Very nice Mike.

Try installing the full setup. The “Classic” Forecast Skin that is packed with the setup should work (I just tried installing it from scratch).

If you’re using your own forecast skins, you’ll have to edit them so that they comply with the new skin format.

Ok, continuing with the b9update: I

If I RIGHT click on the tray icon and don’t move the pointer off the icon the options menu disappears before I can select an option. One has to click and MOVE the pointer off the icon for the menu to remain.

I found that I had indeed tweaked the Forecasts skins and when I switched to Classic the WW Forecasts windows showed only the WW icon until I did a Refresh then the 3 Forecasts displayed ok.

When I went back to the Skins tab to try another Forecast skin in addition to Classic, Longhorn and Eds there was Current.html, Detailed.html, Daily.html and Hourly.html. I’m not sure which html “option” I selected but WW crashed with a Run-time error: “52”, Bad file name or number.

After I restarted WW I was able to select the Classic and Longhorn Forecast skins both of which worked ok and the Ed skin which didn’t but WW did not crash.

BTW After selecting a Forecast skin, clicking on Apply shifts the focus to the Tray Icon option window.

The html files have creation dates of today and are all 1k size, blank and do not exist in the Skins_Backup\Forecasts folder.

PS I do NOT like the Tray icon’s menu fixed sequence of options. [:(!]

[i]Originally posted by EdP[/i]
If I RIGHT click on the tray icon and don't move the pointer off the icon the options menu disappears before I can select an option. One has to click and MOVE the pointer off the icon for the menu to remain.
This will be fixed in Beta 10.
[i]Originally posted by EdP[/i] I found that I had indeed tweaked the Forecasts skins and when I switched to Classic the WW Forecasts windows showed only the WW icon until I did a Refresh then the 3 Forecasts displayed ok.
This is normal after an installation.
[i]Originally posted by EdP[/i]When I went back to the Skins tab to try another Forecast skin in addition to Classic, Longhorn and Eds there was Current.html, Detailed.html, Daily.html and Hourly.html. I'm not sure which html "option" I selected but WW crashed with a Run-time error: "52", Bad file name or number.

After I restarted WW I was able to select the Classic and Longhorn Forecast skins both of which worked ok and the Ed skin which didn’t but WW did not crash.

</font id=“quote”></blockquote id=“quote”>This will be fixed in Beta 10.

[i]Originally posted by EdP[/i] PS I do [b]NOT[/b] like the Tray icon's menu fixed sequence of options. [:(!]
Yes, I know [:(]