remove dll

when I downloaded the new version I get message dll cannot be deleted error code 5. I have also tried deleting from C/programs/weatherwatcher but again can not delete it. Any suggestions please. I cant load new version til this is deleted. Thanks

Were you able to bypass that message and continue on with the installation anyhow? Give that a try if you haven’t tried to do so already.

Hi Mike
I tried this and now I get two messages

C:Program Files\Weather Watcher\dl.exe
An error occurred while trying to replace the exising file;
DeleteFile failed; code 5.
Access is denied.

Click …

C:Program Files\Weather Watcher\ww.exe
An error occurred while trying to replace the exising file;
DeleteFile failed; code 5.
Access is denied.


When I try to launch WW nothing happens.

Any suggestions on how to delete these from my system so i can reinstall WW.


Windows XP?

What version of WW did you originally install?

Is WW running when you try to reinstall it?

Does your Windows user id have Admin rights?

Are you running any security software that prevents unauthorized system changes?

Can you post a screen shot of the the window that contains the error message?

Hi Ed Thanks for trying to help.

Yes windows XP
Unfortunately WW was running when tried to install new version
Not sure which version I had before but I have been running this for about 2 months
No admin rights - this is just home computer I am admin
Only securty is Norton - but this has never been problem in past
I am not at home computer now but will try to post screen shots later but message is as in last post

Hope this helps

tid, it sounds like you just need to close down all instances of “dl.exe” and “ww.exe” from the Windows Task Manager. At that point, you should be able to run the new Weather Watcher installation.

Thanks for the advice, but I have problem I have 20 dl.exe (mem Usage @200k) and 1 ww.exe (Mem Usage @ 208k) running in task manager. I have tried “end process” for all these but none have been deleted. Any other ideas would be appreciated.
Thanks again

Sometimes I find that I have to end processes multiple times in order to get Windows to actually end them. Start with the “ww.exe” process… then, end the “dl.exe” processes.

Hi Mike
I have now resolved the issue - after restarting computer I found no dl or ww.exe files running on task manager after re loading WW latesting version there are no problems.

Thanks again

If there are connection problems with and WW is setup to update frequently, like every 1 minute, a failed dl.exe will result in multiple dl.exes getting queued up waiting for the 1st one to complete.

What is your update frequency set to?