Open links in: New tab (focused) not working correctly

Hi Mike,

Weather Watcher Live Firefox Extension 1.0.6 on Firefox 3.5.1 on Windows XP SP2.

GREAT extension! I love not having to put up with all of the baggage (to put it nicely) that goes with the official WeatherBug client. :wink:

The problem with Open links in: New tab (focused) is that it only appears to switch to the next tab to the right. Say I already have two tabs open and the one on the left is active. When I click on Weather Watcher Live, the next tab to the right is switched to instead of the WeatherBug page tab (now the third).

Thanks for looking into this.

The following update should resolve that issue:

Wow, that was quick! :mrgreen: Works great!

Ah, I see I should have poked around a little bit more. Heh #-o Oh… I don’t see this listed as one of the fixes. That explains why a search didn’t turn up with anything.

Thanks again!

Now to bang on the new features. :wink:

It wasn’t a listed fix… you were the first person to report the issue. Thanks for passing along your feedback. Enjoy the new features :cool: