I have used Weather Watcher for years & I loved it; it is still on one of my laptops. I now have WWL on my main laptop I don’t mind paying for it as long as it works ok. WWL never sounds Weather Alerts even when the WW on my other laptop is sounding nice and loud. I can’t get my local city either but I read your forums on that and understand why, I can accept the city I’m using.
It’s the Alert warnings I need to have.
Thanks, Ed
1) Which version of Weather Watcher Live are you using?
2) Which weather station are you using?
3) In the “Sounds” section of the Weather Watcher Live Options window, what displays in the “Sounds” dropdown box when “New Severe Weather Alert” is selected in the “Events” dropdown box?
4) In the same section of the Options window, what happens when you press the play button?
5) When a severe alert is issued for your location, do you see the red alert banner appear at the top of the main Weather Watcher Live window?
6) When a severe alert is issued for your location, does an alert message pop up from the Weather Watcher Live system tray icon?
Mike thanks for answering so quickly, here are your questions with my replys.
Which version of Weather Watcher Live are you using?
Weather Watcher Live 6.1.03
Which weather station are you using?
I’m using the closest one to me & believe me it’s not that close at all…It’s
Gabriels, NY (Adirondack Regional Airport)
In the “Sounds” section of the Weather Watcher Live Options window, what displays in the “Sounds” dropdown box when “New Severe Weather Alert” is selected in the “Events” dropdown box?
Warning.wav is showing in the dropdown box!
In the same section of the Options window, what happens when you press the play button?
A wav sounds for that selection sounds off!
When a severe alert is issued for your location, do you see the red alert banner appear at the top of the main Weather Watcher Live window?
NO! Not that I have seen.
When a severe alert is issued for your location, does an alert message pop up from the Weather Watcher Live system tray icon?
It sounds like no severe alerts are being issued for your selected weather station -or- Weather Watcher Live is not receiving them. That explains why you’re not hearing the alert sound or seeing the red alert banner.
Which location are you using in Weather Watcher?
There are no alerts for Gabriels, NY right now, so it’s not possible to look into this any further. The next time you see an alert that is not showing up in Weather Watcher Live, please let me know so I can check it out.
Sorry Mike this might sound stupid but how am I going to know if there is a weather alert if I can’t receive any from weather watcher live. I rarely watch TV.
I never had these problems with the original WW. Can’t WWL receive information from the same places as WW did? The WW information was great.
Not sure if this would work very well, but what about looking at the national alert map, then adding a station from an area that is under an alert to see if it pops up. I mention this because yesterday I was adding a station just outside my area, maybe 40 miles or so, and immediately got an alert for that station (wind advisory, if I remember right), but my local station did not show that alert. Don’t really know if there was one posted for my area or not, I don’t think so. I have gotten them before for my area, so I know it works, but since you can add a station from just about anywhere it might be a way to test it.
Just wanted to add that I tried the suggestion I previously posted. I went to the Alerts tab to see where the alerts are, just at random picked Bedford, IN where there is a flood warning in effect, and selected the first station that came up. As soon as it loaded I got a flood alert, red banner at the top, sound, balloon, etc.
edwinvogel, I was under the impression that you were running Weather Watcher and Weather Watcher Live side-by-side. Weather Watcher and Weather Watcher Live use different data sources, so it’s not possible to display weather data from the same sources.
Upacreek has a good suggestion. Try switching to a weather station that currently has an alert to see if it shows up in Weather Watcher Live. Check out NWS’s homepage to find all locations that currently have active severe alerts.
Hi, I want to thank all you guys for your help. I have tried all your ideas and I received not one warning, alert, wav sound, ballon or banner. I changed to four different stations all over the states, some were having flooding, some tournados some thunderstorms and I never received one warning.
By the way Mike, I’m running WW on one laptop and WWL on another laptop. WW is working great. I receive alerts on WW laptop but that uses a different location.
Hi Mike, sorry I didn’t get back to you more quickly; below are the stations I’ve tried:
Fort Worth, TX…(Naval Air Station JRB)
Fort Worth, TX…(Saint Andrew Catholic School)
Tye, TX…(Dyess Air Force Base)
Idabel, OK…(Mc Curtain County Regional Airport)
Lawton, OK…(Great Plains Technology Center)
Okemah, OK…(Okemah MS)
Port Richey, FL…(PAS) Gabriels, NY…(Adirondack Region Airport) this station is the one I use for my home eventhough it is not close to my home. My location is Sabael, NY. 12864…are there any stations closer to my location?
All of the stations above had some sort of alert going on either a thunderstorm, tournado warning, flooding etc. when I put them into my WWL system
I tried the first 4. The 2 Ft. Worth, no alerts. Tye, TX, no alerts.
Idabel, OK, Flash Flood alert. I did not try the rest. This was about 3PM Eastern.
Edit: At about 3:20PM Eastern tried Port Richey, FL, no alerts, and Gabriels, NY, station unavailable. Since I haven’t been having any problems that I know of with alerts I would assume the alerts are no longer in effect, except for the one, maybe others in OK.
edwinvogel, I guess the best thing to do would be to verify that WeatherBug.com is displaying an alert since the alerts are coming from them. Once your station is selected and updated in Weather Watcher Live, click the WeatherBug logo on the right side of the main Weather Watcher Live window to load the webpage for selected weather station. You should only see an alert in Weather Watcher Live if there is an alert displaying on that webpage.
Mike and Upacreek; thanks for your help in trying to resolve my problems with alerts. At this point I don’t know where to go or what to do. I don’t know where I’m left with this no Alert problem…I still don’t get any alerts no matter what station I use.
Question, Where do the alerts come from…in order to get alerts do I have to choose a stations that has the lable “weather Bug” or do all stations give us alerts?
I go to Florida in the winter, the cold up here is to crazy…we had snow this past june for three hours. I rely on my weather alerts in Florida so is there any way to get this thing working.
Not to deflect from your problem, but one thing you might want to consider is a digital weather alert radio. I’ve had one for years that is really handy. It is a Midland. I bought it after seeing a news report of a tornado, and the people who received the most warning about the storm were those who had received alerts from their radio. It uses a system called S.A.M.E., and without trying to remember exactly what that stands for, it basically allows you to program the radio to receive alerts for your specific area. And it isn’t just weather. It will alert you to other kinds of hazards or emergency conditions. I really like WWL, and hopefully your problem can be resolved, but the radio does not require a computer, nor does it require power as long as you’ve got batteries in it. Just a suggestion.
Just a follow-up and clarification to my previous post. My comments on the weather radio assumes you can receive NWS broadcasts in your area. Also, you can take it back and forth to FL with you so you can use it both places, just program with the areas you’re interested in.
Thanks so much for the Weather Radio info. I honestly do have one it does not work here in the mountians of NY but it does a great job in Florida…I hate tournados and the thought of being hit by one in a RV destroys my mind…so again thanks. Ed.