No internet connection

When I try to search the city the program says “Cannot find Internet connection”. There is no option where I could specify proxy data. Is there a way to solve this problem?

I’ve got Loox 718 and an Internet connection through USB-cable and proxy.

What happens when you unhook the USB connection? Does the weather download when you’re using your phone’s connection?

Nothing, everything stops when I try to change the city and after some “Searching” the program says “Cannot find Internet connection”.

Loox 718 is a plain PDA, not a phone

I could not find where to insert proxy, its port and login information …

There is not a place to setup a proxy connection. This is on the to-do list.

So I cannot use a computer that has an internet connection through proxy for your program?

You cannot if your proxy requires that you set proxy-related settings other than whatever else you have setup on your device.

Some people have said they are able to connect via proxy. I’m not sure what they are doing differently than those who are experiencing trouble.