No data is updated and no weather station is found, it has been like this for 3-4 days. Thank you
Ver. 7.2.287
No data is updated and no weather station is found, it has been like this for 3-4 days. Thank you
Same problem here - so you aren’t the only one. btw - problem with windows 7 but not with 11!! BUT on 11 my normal station cannot be found!
Yes, yes… 3 days ago it stopped updating, but a year ago I started to notice this but it was just hours that it crashed, and I had to close and reopen to update, because it didn’t show data…
Now (today 2024) it does not show the forecasts, no weather stations appear.
I have Windows 7 and I am not planning to update even though I have a machine that supports 11 (it is my mother’s PC and she is old and she got used to this system).
Thanks for you reply - your comment about restart gave me the idea to reinstall to the latest version - but NO GO - the problem still persists. If it didn’t work on my w11 laptop - I’d think “the network” was down - but not so.
No input from Singer yet.
Same here on my Windows 7 Pro VM. I suspect it’s something related to Windows 7 no longer being supported by Microsoft and will need to research further to see if there is a way for me to resolve that issue. It’s becoming harder to support these sunsetted versions of Windows as they don’t follow good security practices without extra configuration/workarounds.
I know nobody likes to hear this, but you should consider upgrading to a version of Windows Microsoft supports.
Which weather station are you referring to?
Blockquote Same here on my Windows 7 Pro VM. I suspect it’s something related to Windows 7 no longer being supported by Microsoft and will need to…
I don’t think it’s Windows 7, it’s the application, because it updates me on the “Systraicon” and also on the red circle and history month, but it doesn’t show the day, and the following days…
It’s all weird…
Do you see this issue on other versions of Windows? I’m only able to reproduce it with Windows 7.
I don’t have other versions of Windows on other computers… I installed Windows 7 on all of them
Aqualinda Pool station in Castro Valley, CA - my w11 laptop can’t see it.
On the computer that can see it, what’s the URL of the webpage that opens when you right click the Weather Watcher system tray icon and choose “Weather Station Website”?
Corrientes Argentina
and other
I usually use 2 pages/weather stations… and the twos gives the same error - apparently - its GONE?? At least that’s what FireFox tells me.
Version 7.2.288 should be stable on Windows 7. This new version is still in testing and likely will become 7.2.289 when it’s an official release.
Yes, it appears to be gone – rather than just temporarily down.
YES it is - EVERYTHING is back - even that “missing” site. Thank-you so much! Getting tired of using Google weather!
Hi Mike. It has been a long time since I first used WWL. It has been flawless and is the heart of my automated irrigation system. However, for a few days now, I have this same problem. I have reinstalled, rebooted and no luck. I get temperature changes but no POP or forecast data. The main screen looks like the first one on this topic. I did a check for new versions and WWL says the update request failed. This is my Log File definition.
And this is the output.
08/02/2024 05:13:02,(OTTAWA INTL),20,20,20,49,11.1,101.2, N/A, N/A
08/02/2024 05:13:19,(OTTAWA INTL),20,20,20,49,11.1,101.2, N/A, N/A
08/02/2024 05:30:36,(OTTAWA INTL),20,20,20,49,11.1,101.2, N/A, N/A
08/02/2024 05:37:56,(OTTAWA INTL),20,20,20,49,11.1,101.2, N/A, N/A
Any help appreciated.
Are you running version 7.2.291? If not, please install the current version from here.
Fixed. Thanks Mike