In the forum I have read several messages from folks who speak of animating their wallpaper, and loading maps and using them (i.e. loading whatever maps they want).
I can’t find any information on how to do either of those things.
I have the radar map for the Northeast set up as my wallpaper, but I’d really like to be able to animate it or use some other map (e.g. that is a little bit closer to real time.
I’m sure there is a plain and clearly documented way to do this but I can’t find it.
To select weather maps click on the WW Option’s Wallpaper tab and scroll thru the image options window to select a weather image/map. Not all of the maps are from
To add a particular map click on the WW Forecasts windows’ MAPS button then click on the Map Manager option. From the Map Manager you can add, edit and remove the weather maps available to WW.
It would be nice if the Map Manager could be invoked from the Options’ Maps tab also.
>>>>To add a particular map click on the WW Forecasts windows’ MAPS button then click on the Map Manager option. From the Map Manager you can add, edit and remove the weather maps available to WW.<<<<<
Good morning, Ed.
Thanks, I found it and was able to add a map to WW’s available-maps list. However the new map still isn’t visible on the wallpaper list. Tried exiting WW and restarting it and still the new map is only visible on the available-maps list but not on the wallpaper list.
If I load either of those URLs into a map, I get the whole referenced web page along with all the links and popup ads. How do I go about loading just an animated map that will animate on my desktop?
With some maps to use them as wallpaper you need to open the WW Option’s Wallpaper tab and select the Active Desktop option.
And yes if you use the URL that you gave in your 1st map you get the whole webpage that it is located on. There are different ways to animate a web image; one is to make the image itself animated which can be done with GIF images, one is to use HTML code and Javascript to display multiple still images, which is what your maps are using, or to use HTML and additional software such as Flash or Java to display multiple still images.
If you are very clever you can create your own HTML coding to display just the multiple images without the extraneous content.
In general what I am looking for is an animated weather radar map that shows the Northeast… something like
If you want to view the weatherunderground NEXRAD radar images for
your area, you would need to link your map to the animated GIF image.
You can do so by animating the map by setting your parameters below the
WUI map image and then click “Update Map”.
Next, On the bottom left hand corner of the map click “View/Save This
Image”. Copy the URL in the address bar and add it to WW Maps Manager.
This will display the current NEXRAD radar image ONLY from weatherunderground.
You will need to refresh the images manually by clicking the “Refresh” button
in the WW Maps window. For example, I live in Illinois and the link to weatherundergrounds NEXRAD radar image would be;
Images are updated approx. every 6 minutes. So I would need to Refesh around about every 7-10 minutes (6 minutes is only approx. Seems more
like 10 minutes). Would be nice to see an Auto Refresh (Minimum refresh
rate 5 minutes hint hint ):iconbiggrin:
You cannot do this with, for example, the NWS radar images. The radar
displayed by the NWS uses Java and several .JPEG images to display the
As noted previously “If you are very clever you can create your own HTML coding to display just the multiple images”. That being the case the Java code can be replaced with [b]Javascript code[/b] to achieve the same effect, “If you are very clever”.
There are multiple ways to animate an image; GIFs, JavaScript, Java, Flash being the most common. GIFs are the easiest to add to the WW Maps, the others require you to either accept the webpage they are displayed on or to be very clever and create your own.
As noted previously “If you are very clever you can create your own HTML coding to display just the multiple images”
I truly wish I had the knowledge to be “very clever” and create my own
HTML coding to display the NWS radar images in a loop, but unfortunately, I
do not. :sad:That would certainly be a very nice feature to WW, something
like Storm Preditor. I do realize that would be a lot of work.
I just noted the URL to Weatherunderground in n122x post. I incorporated the WUI NEXRAD radar into the map manager.
I have been experimenting with animated gifs too. I tried the above mentioned url. First I used Microsoft’s Active Desktop. The complete webpage showed up on my desktop. That’s fine.
Then I tried WW. I added a new map, linked it to the url and chose it as my wallpaper. But nothing happened. Apparently WW cannot show the url on my desktop.
Does anybody has an idea what the problem might be?
BTW: I experienced the same with a html file I created myself and that only referred to an animated gif. If I use WW’s map viewer or a browser, the file is being displayed right away. But WW cannot display it as a wallpaper.