can not install or open stickit

After atempting to remove stickit and reinstalling same it will not remove from windows task manager . when I reinstall I can not open stickit. Is there a problem with the newer version of stickit?

Did you try to end the StickIt process in the Windows Task Manager before reinstalling StickIt? Did the installation successfully complete?

The latest version of StickIt runs in the Windows system tray. When you start StickIt, you should see the StickIt icon there.

I have tried to stop the stickit program several time through the windows task manager. It shows that it has been stopped. I then go to my windows install / remove program and try to remove the program. It tell me that it is still running so I go back and try to stop it again by clicking on the end task button. I then try to remove it which appears to work. I then go to install a new copy of stickit. After downloading i click to install and I get a message that stickit is still running even after I removed it from my computer. i can’t explain why this is happening meybe you can
hopefuly? I love this program and depend on it to keep my 70 year old mind streight. And I am quit comfortable with computers.

Thanks Again For Your Help

Well, you’re seeing that message because StickIt is running. Yes, I know I’m only stating the obvious here…

Which processes are running under your username in the Processes tab of the Windows Task Manager?

I have 34 programs running under my name. there are many others running as well. can I remove all or any of the programs?

I wouldn’t recommend that you do that – you just need to end the StickIt processes. Do you see any of the following running?

  • SIserver.exe
  • StickIt.exe
  • StickIt Control Center.exe
  • StickItLauncher.exe
  • StickIt3.exe
  • dl.exe

None of the things are on Process under my name or any where on the process list

With none of those processes running, are you saying that StickIt still says it’s running when you attempt to reinstall it? If so, please send me (or post) a screenshot of your running processes. I’d like to take a look and see if there are any other conflicting processes.

I down loaded stickit to a floppy and then installed it. Now it is working . Thanks for your help