Backup and restore settings

Hi Mike,

It’s been a while, and all the stuff that’s kept me away, is now clogging up my system, and I need to re-install windows all together, and that led me to think if there is any way to backup all settings [program, skins, etc] and restore them again? Or maybe you could make a little app for doing just that?
Not only would that be fantastic for me, but it might make troubleshooting easier, if people could just dump all their exact settings to a file, for others to review, test and/or correct…

Just a thought, though…

I can appreciate that.

If you run from a command prompt:

reg export "HKCU\Software\VB and VBA Program Settings\Weather Watcher" "C:\Program Files\Weather Watcher\RegSettings.reg"

Then backup your Weather Watcher folder to a location not to be effected by your reinstall, when you are finished with your reinstall you could then copy the Weather Watcher backup folder back to it’s original location and before restarting Weather Watcher DBL click on the .REG file created previously you should be in pretty good shape when you start Weather Watcher.

If you want to get fancy both this and the XCOPY command could be put into a CMD file.


[code]@echo off&Title=Ed’s really neat Weather Watcher backup&Color 17&MODE CON: COLS=50 LINES=10

:: The following commands assume you are running Windows XP
:: and the default folder for Weather Watcher. Adjust to fit
:: your environment if otherwise.
set BkupDrv=D:
set WWloc=“C:\Program Files\Weather Watcher”

if exist %WWloc%\RegSettings.reg del %WWloc%\RegSettings.reg
if exist %BkupDrv%\WWbkup\ rmdir %BkupDrv%\WWbkup\ /s /q

reg export “HKCU\Software\VB and VBA Program Settings\Weather Watcher” %WWloc%\RegSettings.reg
xcopy %WWloc%*.* %BkupDrv%\WWbkup\ /s > nul
del %BkupDrv%\WWbkup*.html /s > nul
if exist %BkupDrv%\WWbkup\Trans.dat del %BkupDrv%\WWbkup\Trans.dat /s > nul

I haven’t tried this but I think it should work. If it doesn’t a variation of the restore steps should work and that is to reinstall Weather Watcher after you reinstall Windows then shut down Weather Watcher and then copy the backup folder over the new install and run the .REG file. When you restart Weather Watcher everything should be back.
