I went to the FAQ page about adding maps and tried to add 600 mile Doppler for southeast. It added to the map list, closed the program and restarted but it comes up as 1800 mile map when I click on the 600 mile map.
Is there any online map source where I can import a more local satelite or doppler map for the Wilmington,NC area?
This work for you?
That works plus I played around and found some nice radar loops to ad also.
This works great!
If the weather watcher window is left open will it update automatically?
No – you can manually refresh the map within that window though.
Thanks-Will the current weather in the weather watcher window update or do I have to use the update button?
I’m using WW 5.6.22 with Windows XP SP2, Firefox, the latest free
Comodo firewall with the latest free Avast antivirus with no problems.
It depends on what the dropdown is set to in the Auto Update tab of the Weather Watcher Options window. As long as the dropdown is not set to Never auto update, then Weather Watcher will automatically update the weather at the set interval.
Thanks for all the quick replies! Keep up the good work, I love this! I was going to use a widget program until I found this.