Weather Alerts Not Working with 5.4C

Get N/A when weather alert comes in and if I click on it, XP reports ‘script error do you wish to continue’, if yes, you get script errors on page.

What version of Weather Watcher?

The latest 5.4C. I’ve even entered a different city as you suggested. Below appears the weather alert page when you continue after you get the inital error that there is a script error:

New Orleans, LA

Severe Alert:

… var queryString = new Object; function parseParameter() { var temp_query = new RegExp (‘^[^\?]+\?(.*)$’); if ( ! temp_query.test(location) ) return false; var array = temp_query.exec(location); queryString.QUERY_STRING = array[1]; var params = queryString.QUERY_STRING.split(/&/); for ( var i = 0; i < params.length; i++ ) { var keys = params[i].split(/=/); queryString[ keys[0] ] = unescape(keys[1]); } } function paramValue(key) { if ( key == null ) { alert(“param() function has been used incorrectly.\nUSAGE: param(key)”); return false; } return queryString[key]; } parseParameter(); var vsearch = paramValue(‘search’); var upcookie = GetCookie(“UserPreferences”); if(upcookie > 0 && vsearch != “search”){ updateCookieExpDate(“UserPreferences”); updateCookieExpDate(“RMID”); } var customization_pathname = (window.location.pathname.indexOf(“/weather/my”)>=0)?1:0; //The below logic should only process on non-Customization pages. if (customization_pathname == 0){ var myPrefsCookie = GetCookie(“MyPrefs”); if(myPrefsCookie.length > 1){ updateCookieUnescape(“MyPrefs”); } } //–> Local Severe Weather Alerts