Wallpaper only shows when icons are not hidden

I just upgraded to IE8 last night, when i rebooted my pc, my wallpaper was blank. From playing around, when i show my desktop icons, i see the wallpaper from Weather watcher, when i hide my icons, i go back to a blank screen (no wallpaper).

I have upgraded my other pc’s to IE8 so i’m not sure if that’s the culprit, just wondering if anyone has experienced this as well.


How exactly are you hiding your icons?

Actually I mispoke. When i rt click on the desktop and uncheck “show desktop icons”, the weather watcher desktop is replaced with the default windows desktop (in my case, it’s a blank, blue screen). if i check the “show deskstop icons” the weather watcher desktop will reappear, and will update normally.

I am running 6.0.22 on windows Xp Pro sp3.

The Weather Watcher Live map image is an actual wallpaper image. That being the case, it seems the problem is being caused by Windows. I tried reproducing the problem you described – my map image remained after hiding the desktop icons.

What happens if you hide the desktop icons when Weather Watcher Live is closed and you have a custom wallpaper image set? Do you lose your custom wallpaper image?

i’ve the same issue: uncheck “show desktop icon” then no icon but wallpaper couldn’t be displayed while change wallpaper; check that then icon and wallpaper are both displayed. we can restart pc to show the changed wallpaper while checked… but Really weird.