Problem picking weather stations - BUG

Hi I have version 7.23 installed and there seems to a bug in picking a station. If you go to OPTION…STATIONS and then input your zip code, you get your list of station to pick from, after clicking more than two stations to checkout location on the map, the third station clicked is automatically picked as you choice to save that station.

Or to summarize you cannot click more than two station before the program finalizes your selection. This needs to be fixed. Thanks.


If you single-click a station in the list, the station will be selected on the map. If you double-click a station in the list, the station will be selected and the search window will close. Are you sure you’re not double-clicking?

Mike, you are probably right. I went back to options and picked some new stations and I probably over reacted with my mouse finger and did a double click and thus picked the station as you described. When I was testing this out I paid close attention to my clicks because I have windows explorer set for “single clicking” not double clicking. But all went well and as you decribed and it was probably my mistake or over reaction to the mouse.

Thanks for your timely response and you have developed a very practical good product. I have been using your free version for years and now your paid version.

Jaspermann :icon_smile: