NA in the tooltip WWL 7.0.81

running WWL 7.0.81
NA in the tooltip most of the time
the temperative appears only if volontarily I made a RETRIRVE WEATHER

Which weather station are you using?

weather station : PARIS-centre ,Paris (I75003PA1)

thanks in advance

for the same weather station we have the same problem for the wind speed and the pressure (hpa) in the main panel : i need to update to get these informations.


It looks like that weather station stopped reporting. I cannot find it at All other websites that list that weather station aren’t displaying data either. For example:

many thanks for your answer : you are right…for the time being this station is out of order…I have got this information on a french site : … ry_state0=

so an improvement is planned for the end of this week
