Map Wallpaper not Loading in v7.2.079

Since the new version update of 7.2.079, my WW isn’t loading the map screen. I’ve checked all my settings and everything is set right. Is this a bug? I looked for others with the same issue, but I couldn’t find anything. Thanks in advance.

The Weather Channel recently discontinued some of their maps and/or released a new version of them. Unfortunately, the changes they made/make are out of my control since they own their weather maps.

In the current version of Weather Watcher (7.2.79), you will find the new Weather Channel maps in the map list too. You could switch to the new version (if the map was replaced) or try a map from a different weather provider in the map list.

Another option would be to locate an alternate map image elsewhere on the Internet and add it to the Map Manager in Weather Watcher. If interested, you can learn more about that option at the following link:
